Welcome to our newest Copi Kids

Welcome to our newest Copi Kids
7 years, 1 month ago 0
Posted in: Uncategorized

 Nate Lachlan King                                                                                                                        

Born Wednesday 1st February @ 6.30pm.

7lbs 3oz, 51cm

Proud parents Mark and Jessica

Another gorgeous grandson for Barry &  Cathy King


Charlie Christopher Higgs  

Born Wednesday 8th February @ 8.29pm.

7lb 10ozs, 51cm.

Proud parents Michael and Kylie.

Grandparents Debbie and Grahame Higgs


Gus Librando

Born Wednesday 19th April @ 11.50pm

6lb 6oz, 50cms

Proud parents Lauren and Sean

Grandparents Debbie and Grahame Higgs

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